bindevæv / myofascia
fascia stores water
Add information about your services here. Aliquam malesuada rhoncus quam a vestibulum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla eu finibus turpis. Suspendisse ornare quam vitae est vestibulum, et bibendum erat dictum. Phasellus aliquam nunc quis erat ullamcorper pretium. Etiam accumsan sollicitudin ex, aliquam laoreet neque hendrerit id.
fascia senses
Hands on fascial therapy uses pressure, temperature, pressure and the spark of human touch to improve all of these aualities of our soft skeleton.
myofascial therapy
Connective tissue therapy is an advanced manual therapy that focuses on the fascia system, which supports and encapsulates all anatomical structures and forms a fascinating neural communication network. As fascia is integrated throughout our body, even at the cellular level, myofascial therapy treats the body as a cohesive whole, not as individual parts. It is a therapy that is documented with scientific research and daily clinical experience.
Fascia are
layers of connective tissue that surround and hold every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place, giving the body a functional 3-D structure. Like a leaf’s cellulose network, human fascia provide a soft skeleton that gives us our unique shape and form.
fascia forms in relation to force and direction
A recognized characteristic of connective tissue is its impressive adaptability: when regularly put under increasing yet physiological strain, the inherent fibroblasts adjust their matrix remodelling activity such that the tissuearchitecture better meets demand. The varied capacities of fibrous collagenous connective tissues make it possible for these materials to continuously adapt to the most challenging regular strains, particularly in relation to changes in length, strength and ability to shear.